“Theatre is the art of looking at ourselves.”
- Augusto Boal

current/Upcoming Projects


Movement, character and acting workshops for 8th grade! - Fall 2023


Arlington Center for the Arts- Inclusion Specialist!- Summer 2023


ACA- Inclusion Specialist!- Summer 2024


Once again, I am back in the classroom collaborating with Brookwood School’s 8th grade students! The 8th grade is in rehearsals for the spring musical, "The Goonies! These workshops help students develop deeper connections to their characters through creating specific acting choices and meaningful movements to help tell the story! I am so excited!


This summer, I was fortunate enough to join Arlington Center for the Arts’s Summer Arts Camps executive staff as their Inclusion Specialist. I supported over 50 directors, staff, interns and counselors and over 500 campers at Vacation Arts Camp and Art Academy. We collaborated on behavior plans, parent relations, hands-on support, and continuing education to increase accessibility to ACA’s neurodiverse campers and their families. What a beautiful summer!


Wahoo! It is official! I will be back at Arlington Center for the Arts as their Inclusion Specialist for the Summer of 2024! I am so grateful to be working with such an amazing organization and amazing humans once again! Yes!!